Monday, June 29, 2009

Episodes 1 - 10

Episode 1 - June 8, 2009: We talk about Left 4 Dead, discuss some movies, and call a special guest!

Episode 2 - June 9, 2009: David and Jenn discuss bathroom ambushers, Lord of the Rings Online, Kevin's personal life, Joey, and why Sheri hates Tom Hanks. Also, Fallout 3, Henry Hatsworth, Uncharted, and Sims 3. Also, the website went live!

Episode 3 - June 10, 2009: Our first ever guest show! David and James talk games, both modern and classic, as well as co-op couples, and the pros and cons of the various downloadable games markets. Jenn sits on the floor and takes notes.

Episode 4 - June 12, 2009: We get socially conscious with discussion on gun control after a child shoots his brother over a video game, video games in schools, and kids quitting school to game full-time. We also talk about moving to Seattle, Dungeons & Dragons Online going free, the incredible success of Sims 3, a bit about EA and Godfather games, and life at work.

Episode 5 - June 15, 2009: TV talk, music games run amok, Beatles Rock Band, lackluster PSP thoughts and more L4D!

Episode 6 - June 15, 2009: We have no friends, bikini car washes, Pride Week and Christian protesters, our trip to WEM, and David's Game of the Week.

Episode 7 - June 17, 2009: We discuss David's video game addiction, the gals at his office, the Edmonton Queer History Bus Tour, how Sheri ain't afraid of no ghosts on her birthday, and what's happening for some upcoming family birthdays.

Episode 8 - June 21, 2009: Kevin: Angry or dead? Past and present relationships, Jenn's lunch with the cast, Crystal's party and her hot roommate, what it will take for David to leave Jenn, OK Cupid, zombie apocalypse, why David's GPS is stupid, and some games.

Episode 9 - June 21, 2009: Getting back to game talk! We talk about the re-release of the original Fallout Trilogy and David reviews Turok. Talk about life at home and a little work talk as David ponders whether a gal at work just doesn't like him, pointless bureaucratic meetings, and finds out where the mystery door leads. Also, are the kids just creative, or are they exhibiting signs of early game addiction?

Episode 10 - June 22, 2009: We discuss the movies we've seen recently, pornographic films, the new southside Future Shop and Sony promo trailer, furniture shopping, and the fights we had over Episode 8 and credit cards.

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