Sunday, April 5, 2009

Exiting Rapture

So I made a big push this weekend to finish Bioshock, and guess what? I did it! It was a really good game. A lot of neat elements that tied together very well, and a pretty interesting story. The game oozes with atmosphere and charm, albeit of the creepy variety.

I'll save rehashing the entire plot, because I've gone over it earlier, and despite reading some spoilers (Which I'll save also), there were still a couple of neat twists near the end that I didn't expect.

I guess its one of those games with a "good" and a "bad" ending. I went for the good ending, partially because its usually the easier route in most games, partially because there was an extra achievement tied into it. The endgame was anticlimatic, as was the ending movie. Very touching, and very tasteful, but anticlimatic nontheless.

It is going to go into my pile of games to possibly replay at some point. There's a couple of achievements that I didn't get, and I wouldn't mind seeing the alternate ending.

Now the question has been posed: What do I play next??

Right now its a toss up between Bully, Lost and the Damned and Penny Araade Episode 2.

I think it's gonna be Lost and the Damned, because I miss GTA, and it's a bit shorter.

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