My habits as a gamer are to generally ignore any other releases on any other system. I am very much an impulse driven person, so if I see a title that I am likely to get hyped up over, I research it. If that research helps to generate more buzz, I become determined to purchase said product. It is financially counterproductive for me to generate any hype over a game that is attached to a high priced console purchase, so I avoid it. The drawback that this habit has is that when I do purchase a new console, I am completely ignorant and oblivious to any titles that are: A) Good (highly rated or regarded or B) A game that is likely to capture my interest. This of course was the case with the PSP.
I purchased the God of War bundle for my PSP, partially because the other bundles weren't really that great to me, and partly because I missed the boat on the God of War craze during the PS2 days.
Once I had the PSP, I played it almost exclusively, thanks to some DS burnout and a console drought. I played God of War straight to the end, and played through Untold Legends: A Warriors Code for a bit but lost interest. What HAS Garnered my interest back in the PSP is an addictive little SRPG by the name of Jeanne D'Arc. Originally this post was going to be about that game, but it's taken a looooong time to get here, so I'll break here and dedicate a seperate post to my love affair with a fictionalized french tale.
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