Thursday, November 20, 2008

Yes. I'm that good.

So last night I was doing one of my favourite things, playing Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 with Joey (AKA XBox Live Gamertag: Joseraph) and I was able to accomplish a feat that is definitely worthy of an Achievement. I had previously drank a large coffee from 711, so it was pee-time, but Joey (Joseraph) hates interuptions to our gaming time. In an attempt to be considerate, I figured I'd keep hidden in cover whilest I pee, letting joey continue playing. The bathroom is right out side the bedroom, So I brought my controller with me, so I could keep the left trigger pressed, to remain in cover. While in the bathroom, joey starts yelling that enemies are advancing on my position, so I panickedly start hitting the right trigger, effectively blind firing from my cover. I took out two terrorists like this, then I started to pee. While peeing, another terrorist came at me, so I had to use my chin to fire. Killed him!
So my kill count during urinating is 3.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Are you fucking kidding me??

So I was getting ready for my evening shower last night and I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Frankly, I was disgusted by what I saw. I'm not fat per se, but I am packing some weight in the midsection. I've always been fairly large, but until I hit the mid-20's, I was in somewhat good shape. It's really been downhill since then, and I get fits and spurts of inspiration to work out, but it usually fizzles out within a few weeks.

Last night I decided I'm going to try to diet. I'm not going to go crazy with salads and atkins' and what have you, but I am going to try to limit my overall meal size, as well as cut back on greasy and fatty foods. For breakfast I had my usual, cereal and 2 pieces of rye toast. Reasonable. For lunch Jenn brought me a six inch turkey sub loaded with veggies. It was good, but compared to my usual lunch, it was a bit less than filling. I had to go out to Purolator to pick up my replacement XBox, so I figured I'd stop in on my way back at a 7-11 and grab a hot dog. Ok, that's not the healthiest, but a six inch sub and a hot dog is still a reasonable lunch, compared to what I usually eat.

I pulled into the 7-11 on 109 street and 102 avenue, and walked in. I grabbed a reeses, in case I need a sugar bump later, and went to the counter and ordered my hot dog. The girl working was asian, and had a strong accent. She asked me something twice that I didn't understand, but after the 3rd, I finally gathered that she was asking if I wanted a sample of pizza and wings. Now, being on the diet, the smart thing would have been to say "No, Thank you" and be on my way, but I'm on the diet because I have no self-control, and now it was awkward because I made this girl repeat herself three times. I figured, what could be the harm in a sample? 2-3 bitesize pieces with the hot dog? Meh.

.... The sample consisted of 1 full size slice of pizzeria style pizza, 2 honey garlic wings, and 2 hot wings. In what universe is that a "sample"??? The retail costs of this sample would easily be $6-8. I spent 4.70 on my hot dog and chocolate bar. I also have this weird thing about food that I can't let it go to waste, so I've brought it back to the office, in hopes someone will give it a good home. I of course, ate one of each wing, but at this point, the pizza remains untouched.


Monday, November 10, 2008

This made my whole morning.

PSP Love.

So I bought a PSP probably 3-4 months ago. I suppose you could say it was an impulse buy, but it's something I've been tossing around in my head for a while now, so it was definitely inevitable. I don't recall what finally spurred me into buying the thing. It certainly wasn't any huge release for the system. I think it may have been news of the newer model coming out eventually, but whatever it was, I took the plunge.

My habits as a gamer are to generally ignore any other releases on any other system. I am very much an impulse driven person, so if I see a title that I am likely to get hyped up over, I research it. If that research helps to generate more buzz, I become determined to purchase said product. It is financially counterproductive for me to generate any hype over a game that is attached to a high priced console purchase, so I avoid it. The drawback that this habit has is that when I do purchase a new console, I am completely ignorant and oblivious to any titles that are: A) Good (highly rated or regarded or B) A game that is likely to capture my interest. This of course was the case with the PSP.

I purchased the God of War bundle for my PSP, partially because the other bundles weren't really that great to me, and partly because I missed the boat on the God of War craze during the PS2 days.

Once I had the PSP, I played it almost exclusively, thanks to some DS burnout and a console drought. I played God of War straight to the end, and played through Untold Legends: A Warriors Code for a bit but lost interest. What HAS Garnered my interest back in the PSP is an addictive little SRPG by the name of Jeanne D'Arc. Originally this post was going to be about that game, but it's taken a looooong time to get here, so I'll break here and dedicate a seperate post to my love affair with a fictionalized french tale.

A year in review

Holy shit... I have a blog!

So after nearly a years hiatus, I've decided I'll start blogging again. Mostly I'll write about video games, because really, what else is there in my life? Kids and Jenn I suppose, but she blogs enough about that silliness for the both of us. You can find her blog at, but really, this is the good stuff here.

So look for more and more blog posts as the year progresses. 07/08 saw 3 I think. For 08/09 We'll shoot for at LEAST 10.